TEAM WENDY EPIC Helmet Liner System, M/L, Black
  • TEAM WENDY EPIC Helmet Liner System, M/L, Black

TEAM WENDY EPIC Helmet Liner System, M/L, Black

5 working days


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Team Wendy’s EPIC™ (Enhanced Protection, Individual Comfort) Helmet Liner System represents a revolution in helmet pad protection and comfort. EPIC™ consists of a one-piece protective impact liner, and 22 adjustable comfort pads provided in four shapes (oblong, trapezoid, tapered trapezoid, and triangle) and two thicknesses (3/16-inch “thin” and 3/8-inch “thick”). The comfort pad set also includes four Ultra Grip™ pads for added stability and two sweat bands for moisture absorption. EPIC™’s design offers a significant increase in protection at high-G impacts without adversely affecting weight or heat dissipation. EPIC™ employs the same Zorbium® foam proven through years of service in Team Wendy’s standard ZAP™ products and fits all standard ground combat helmets. The complete system includes an illustrated instruction manual included. Velcro® coins not included.
