Oakley SI Offshoot Matte Black w/Warm Grey 11650
  • Oakley SI Offshoot Matte Black w/Warm Grey 11650

Oakley SI Offshoot Matte Black w/Warm Grey 11650

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If ordinary sunglasses feel too small for you, you just found the right frame. Even guys with average-size faces will enjoy a comfortable fit. Offshoot is about adding volume to personality — not bulking out with size — and the confident-cool look carries unique accents. In addition to metal bands at the hinges and stem tips, we gave it our metal “lifestyle” icons to prove the streetwise cred of its smooth, pure style.

The side-to-side contour opens your peripheral view. Thanks to our ultra-precise optics, you won’t see distortion in the periphery like with ordinary sunglasses. The design gives you side protection against wind, sun and impact, and our pure Plutonite® lens material filters out 100% of all ultraviolet light. Choose a lens/frame color combo with Oakley HDPolarized optics and see how comfortable it is to have 99% of glare eliminated. We also have options with Iridium® lens coating for even more glare filtering plus balanced light transmission.


 • Durable frame of lightweight O Matter, engineered for a comfortable fit on larger faces

 • Unique metal bands at hinges and stem tips

 • Metal icon accents


 • Polaric Ellipsoid lens geometry that extends clarity to the edge of a wide peripheral view

 • Lens curvature that enhances side protection against sun, wind and impact

 • Protection of Plutonite® lens material that filters out 100% of all UVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400nm

 • Minimized glare via technology that produces the best polarized lenses on the planet: HDPolarized optics (optional)

 • Glare reduction and balanced light transmission of Iridium lens coating (optional)
