ESS Asian Fit Striker SAF, Black w/Clear & Smoke Gray 9523
  • ESS Asian Fit Striker SAF, Black w/Clear & Smoke Gray 9523

ESS Asian Fit Striker SAF, Black w/Clear & Smoke Gray 9523

GST applicable (for delivery within Singapore only) 5 working days



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ESS Asian-Fit Striker SAF.

The ESS Asian-Fit Striker is a high-performance goggle system designed to contour Asian faces. ESS Asian-fit lenses have flatter curvature and the frame's soft-yet-durable molded face padding provides increased comfort and a tight, sealed fit for hours of extended use. This goggle has exceptional fog resistance and can be worn over most prescription eyeglasses.

The Asian-Fit Striker goggle includes:

  • 1 Asian Fit Striker goggle
  • 1 Asian Fit Striker Clear lens
  • 1 Asian Fit Strike Smoke gray lens
  • 1 SpeedSleeve